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Item Replenishment

A screenshot of the dialog for Replenishing Items

On this page you easily create either a Production Order or Requisition Lines/Purchase Order for the items that need to be replenished.


Item No.

The Item that will be replenished.

Item Description

The Description of the Item that will be replenished.

Item Description 2

The Description 2 of the item that will be replenished.

Replenishment Type

Specifies whether the item will be replenished through Production or Purchase, that is to say whether a Production Order or Requisition Lines/Purchase Order will be created.

Vendor No.

The vendor from which the items will be purchased. This is only relevant if the Replenishment Type is Purchase.

Production Order Status

Specifies the status of the Production Order that will be created to replenish the item. This is only relevant if the Replenishment Type is Prod. Order.

A default value can be set for this field to which it will be set every time the dialog is opened. For more information see Default Production Order Status and Direction under Setup.


How much of the item should be ordered or produced.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure that together with Quantity determines how much of the item should be replenished.

Location Code

The Location to which the items will be replenished.

A default value can be set for this field to which it will be set every time the dialog is opened. For more information see Default Replenishment Location Code under Setup.

Due Date/Exp. Reciept Date

The Due Date of the Production Order or Expected Recipient Date for the Requisition Lines/Purchase Order that will be created.


Specifies the Scheduling Direction of the Production Order that will be created. This is only relevant if the Replenishment Type is Prod. Order.

A default value can be set for this field to which it will be set every time the dialog is opened. For more information see Default Production Order Status and Direction under Setup.

Create Pruchase Directly

This field defines whether a Purchase Order should be created automatically or if only Requistion Lines should be created when the Replenishment Type is Purchase.

A default value can be set for this field to which it will be set every time the dialog is opened. For more information see Create Purchase Orders Directly by Default under Setup.

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