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Stockkeeping Unit

A Stockkeeping Unit is a combination of an item number and a location code and/or variant code. By creating Stockkeeping Unit Cards, you can define differerent invoicing, replenishment or planning for items based on their location or variant. This is especially useful if values like reorder quantity or safety stock vary between locations and variants.

This document includes:

  • Create Stockkeeping Unit

  • Edit Stockkeeping Unit

Create Stockkeeping Unit

A Stockkeeping Unit can be created via global search, or directly from the Material Planner or Item Card. Below you will find information about the three different options.

Global search:

Go to the global search bar and write Stockkeeping - Choose Create Stockkeeping Unit.


Then this window will open:



Use default values from

Choose how the values in the fields below should already be filled out. For example, Last used options and filters will set the values in the fields to the same as last time the window was used.

Create Per

Choose if the Stockkeeping Unit shall be created for item and location, variant or both location and variant.

Item In Inventory Only

Activate this field if you only want the Stockkeeping Unit to be created for items in stock, i.e inventory greater than zero.

Replace Previous SKUs

Activate this field if you want this creation to replace previously made Stockkeeping Units (SKU) for the item.

Filter: Item

Add the desired filters for the items that shall be included in this Stockkeeping Unit. Forexample, by adding the filter No. the creation will only apply to items with that item number.

By clicking + Filter… you can add more filters you want to include in the creation

Filter totals by:

Add the desired filters for what combination with item this Stockkeeping Unit shall be created for. For example, Location Filter will add the location of the item, while Variant Filter will add the variant of the item.

Directly from the Material Planner

In the Material Planner - Overview click on the value (Yes/No) for Stockkeeping Unit Exists for the item you want to create the Stockkeeping Unit. Choose New. Then the Stockkeeping Unit Card for this item will open.


Then fill in the fields for Location Code and/or Variant Code that you want this Stockkeeping Unit to be linked with, and fill out its values.

Directly from the Item Card

Go to the Item Card for the item and choose Create Stockkeeping Unit from the action bar. Then the same window from searching Creatre Stockkeeping Unit in the global search will open, but the No. will be filled in with the item's number.

Edit Stockkeeping Unit

When a Stockkeeping Unit is created it can easily be edited through the Material Planner - Overview. Select the value “Yes” in the coloumn Stockkeeping Unit Exists to open a window that includes all the item’s Stockkeeping Units.


Then click on the Item Number in the line with the Variant Code or Location Code for which you wish to edit.

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