Cargonizer Connector
Here you will find information on how to set up and use Cargonizer Connector within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Getting started
How to get Cargonizer Connector For Business Central Online If you have Business Central Online, you can get a free 30-day trial. Simply search for Cargonize...
Transport orders
With Cargonizer Connector you can order transport for the items on your sales orders in Business Central. To do this you need to create a transport order. A ...
Transport agreements and products
Transport agreements Connect Logistra Cargonizer transport agreements and carrier products to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central shipping agents and ser...
Mapping units of measure
Since your units of measure might not be defined in the same way that Logistra Cargonizer defines theirs, you have the option of mapping between the differen...
Release Notes
v1.7 What’s new Create a transport orders from a sales quote - If the sales quote is converted to a sales order the transport order will be carried over and ...